Donating on a regular basis to Humanity & Inclusion means supporting an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. You are a few clicks away from repairing the life of a person for the long term.

Country of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries*. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
* Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Gaza Strip/West Bank, Jordan, Chad, Ethiopia, DRC, Rwanda, Mozambique, Madagascar, Kenya, Uganda, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos

Countries of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
← Tabita, 11 years old, Uganda
The HI team helped her with mobility aids that facilitated her access to school and interaction with her friends.

Countries of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
← Emmanuel, 16, Rwanda
He started going to school in 2015. HI provided him with a wheelchair and an adapted chair.

Countries of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
← Nidah, 6 years old, Jordan
HI's partnership with the CDC Zarqa centre has made it possible to finance Nidah's rehabilitation sessions and to provide him with a wheelchair that allows him to move around independently.

Countries of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
← Samjhana, 7 years old, Nepal
Thanks to HI's mobile rehabilitation team, surgery and her first pair of adapted prostheses, Samjhana was able to find her way back to school.

Countries of operation
In 2020, Humanity & Inclusion is running 52 projects in 27 countries. The association also implements multi-country projects covering mainly West Africa, the Maghreb and Madagascar.
← Eddie Ndopu, HI UK Ambassador, March 2019
During his trip, Eddie visited HI's inclusive education projects in two different schools in Rwanda and met children with disabilities.
© Lucas Veuve / HI - © C. Meynier / HI - © Régis Binard / HI
© Handicap International (Humanité & Inclusion) Canada is charity whos registration number is: 889147401RR0001