As an organization that works to raise funds for the international cooperation sector, we collect, use, and disclose information on a daily basis for the purposes of providing our services in terms of soliciting contributions in various forms and participating in events. Providing information on confidentiality is important to us.
Find out how we adhere to the highest ethical standards when handling all information, especially personal information.
Data Retention and Destruction Policy
If you have any questions or concerns about the protection of personal information, please contact :
Anne Delorme
Executive Director
514 908-2813
Charitable Registration Number 88914 7401 RR0001. Handicap International (Humanity & Inclusion) Canada is a member of the Handicap International Federation.
Humanity & Inclusion Canada | 50, Saint-Catherine West - Suite 500b | H2X 3V4 Montreal
Tel: (514) 908-2813 | [email protected]
Charity number: 88914 7401 RR0001
For any questions regarding your donation, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected]