“I want women to know they have rights!”
25th of November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Christine, 32, lives in West Pokot County, Kenya. A witness of the armed violence that has torn her region apart, she’s now one of Handicap International’s community peace representative. Every day, she raises awareness in communities and helps women learn more about their rights.

© E.Cartuyvels / Handicap International
Christine, 32, lives in Western Kenya . A mother of three children, she works in the fields and sells vegetables at the market. Since she was a girl, Christine has seen communities in her region torn apart by violence. “I didn’t have to think twice about becoming a peace ambassador,” she explains.
In September 2014, Christine took part in an awareness session conducted by Handicap International on reducing armed violence and sexual gender based violence and is today able to pass on the message to her community in ad hoc meetings: “Marriage, burials, village celebrations are all opportunities for us to discuss the impact of violence with villagers. I talk to the women. Many have their first child at 13. I remind them of the importance of not becoming a mother too early, and of finishing school. I try to open their eyes. No, domestic violence isn’t normal. Nor is it normal for your husband to sleep with other women. Men are more reluctant; they ask me what my problem is. But I don’t care: I want women to know they have rights!” explains Christine, her eyes sparkling.